16 practices for good web design
1.slow thinkers
2. Be clear, not clever
3. One action per screen
4. Ask at the right moment
5. Take form design seriously
6. Focus on contrast, not colors
7. Optimize for scrolling
8. Keep key information above the fold
9. Design mobile-first
10. Ensure accessibility and inclusivity
11. Don't reinvent the wheel
12. Audit for clarity
13. Use photos of people, but avoid stock and AI-generated work
14. Explain complex concepts with visuals
15. Ensure a solid visual hierarchy
16. Anticipate inner dialogue
Details https://blog.logrocket.com/ux-design/16-practices-good-web-design
In recent years, standing has been touted as a remedy to a sedentary lifestyle, especially for desk workers who spend long hours seated at their screens.
But a new study from researchers in Australia and the Netherlands has found standing for long periods of time might not be much better than sitting after all – and actually comes with its own life-threatening risks.
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